The real intelligence failure is a failure to listen


The recent mass violence in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal took government by surprise. But despite the surprise, the signs are that it won’t be a wake

Magic money tree theory


Solving the world’s problems with modern monetary theory (MMT) is easy. Pity, then, that modern monetary theory is quite wrong. I call it the magic

BEE isn’t working, so scrap it


The recent upheaval in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng underscores an unmistakable truth: far from uplifting black South Africans and putting them on a par with their

The Daily Friend is on WhatsApp


Now you can keep up to date with the latest from the Daily Friend straight from WhatsApp. (Updated: 26 July 2021) The Daily Friend is

Put the real culprits on trial while business rebuilds


After the ruin, disgrace, and misery of the recent anarchy, South Africans are witnessing something inspiring as shopping malls are rebuilt, shelves restocked, security enhanced,

Breaking the ANC’s lock on the electorate


That the international coverage of chaos in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng was superseded by the assassination of Haiti’s president was not totally random. Liberation movements don’t

SA in crisis – Part-5: What you should do


This is the final edition of our five-part series setting out why South Africa blew up a week ago, arguing that the blow-up was not

Guns, principles, and SA’s uncivilised condition


The challenge confronting people – and, to be honest, I am one of them – who are unsettled by the notion that the right to

Can we make corruption productive?


The most corrupt of Britain’s politicians was one of her most productive leaders. He used a network of corruption to bring stability to the nation

SAtired – edition 11


Hello and welcome! This little column presents news and politics at its most absurd. SAtired supports freedom of speech, small government and free markets. This means we’re