ANC seeks to make BEE illegal


The ANC government is updating the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, colloquially referred to as Pepuda. The changes the Department of

Patriotic News and ‘all the levers of power’


So, remove the negativity and speak positively to project a nation that is doing something about its challenges. The balance needs to be felt. Zweli

The callousness of our pampered intelligentsia


I got a call last week from a public relations practitioner who confessed that she was surprised that ‘you even answered your phone’. I wondered

Activist Teachers: the new priestly class?


Many parents will have become aware of a theory of social justice commonly known as Critical Social Justice (CSJ). However, many parents are unaware that

Are Asians richer than whites because of systemic racism?


According to Critical Race Theory (CRT), the fate of individuals is decided not by their character, not by their ability, determination, hard work and will,

Racism is NOT the problem vs Jacob Zuma


Former president Jacob Zuma has been given a fifteen-month jail sentence for contempt of court. Around the country, around the world, headlines scream delight. But

The myths around Hamas


On 13 June the Daily Friend published an article by fellow writer, Michael Morris, which commented on a letter from Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein to

Searching for a Helper: A South African Story


I recently visited a distant relative’s house in rural South Africa in search of a live-in helper who was urgently needed by someone I know

Prof Modiri’s straw-man defence of CRT


Professor Joel Modiri, a critical race theorist in academia, claims attacks on critical race theory are marked by aggression, bad faith, racist anxiety and ignorance.

Beware all assets!


With the ANC having declared itself in favour of a provision for the custodianship of ‘certain’ land as part of its preferred formulation for the