Investment Conference: a dog-and-pony show with nothing to sell


President Cyril Ramaphosa will today open the third South Africa Investment Conference (SAIC) in Sandton to showcase the country as an investment destination – but

Reflections on the American vote


The fact that you are reading this article means you don’t rely exclusively on the so-called mainstream media to get your news. The Daily Friend

America’s 72 million ‘deplorables’: where to from here?


The American president-elect, Joe Biden, says he wants to ‘heal’ the nation. Donald Trump, the man he defeated, is not going to be helping him

What to make of the DA’s municipal defeats?


The Democratic Alliance (DA) has been hammered in a series of municipal by-elections in 95 wards. Is this the beginning of the end for the

Demographics are not destiny


A persistent if unspoken thought in many political discussions is that race and ethnicity are powerful influences on people’s politics and beliefs. While this belief

Making ourselves ‘kliye’


The powerful have an awful record when it comes to getting the rest of us to follow rules about how to express ourselves. Which is

The deeper question about race and Brackenfell High School


Behind the questions loudly asked about the recent incident at Brackenfell High School in Cape Town is a much deeper question, only softly asked –

Super Wednesday – Fleeting glimpse of future trends, or much ado about nothing?


On Wednesday South Africa held nearly 100 by-elections. The large number of by-elections was because they had all been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic

A Tale of Two Citizens


Outgoing auditor-general Kimi Makwetu died on Wednesday after a battle with lung cancer, which was diagnosed in 2018. President Cyril Ramaphosa said of him: ‘During

Selling out South Africans in a grubby little stitch-up


It doesn’t really get more sinister than secret negotiations between the elites of Corporate South Africa and the ruling African National Congress on how the