Monumental questions: history, and what we’re doing about it


When President Cyril Ramaphosa said in a virtual National Assembly exchange this week that ‘our people’ had been waiting ‘forever and a day’ for what

Trying to stop information about nuclear power


Far from being ‘unaffordable’, nuclear power is the most economic source of grid electricity for South Africa. The most unaffordable are solar and wind, which

Ramaphosa’s cruel speech


A young adult in South Africa today may wonder whether President Cyril Ramaphosa and she are living in the same country. There is little in

How to nip the Cape independence movement in the bud


Cape independence is an idea that is gaining increasing traction. Although it is dismissed by most as the notion of a lunatic fringe, if the

New thinking the key to the future


South Africa’s economy, battered and bruised, is now reopening. Over the past few weeks, much has been said about how the post-Covid-19 world would (or


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 13th June 313 – The decisions of the Edict of Milan, signed

What we inherit is not the state’s business


After citizens have spent a lifetime of paying income tax, capital gains tax, VAT or transfer duty, for the state to lay claim to their

Business confidence at rock bottom: will government listen?


Business confidence, the magic ingredient that lies behind investment and economic growth, has all but collapsed in the country. The Business Confidence Index (BCI) for

ANC, EFF push for unconstitutional postponement of election


Threatened by a voter backlash to the catastrophic impact of the coronavirus lockdown in the 2021 local elections, the African National Congress (ANC) and Economic

Unions must choose: adapt or die


Since 1994, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) has enjoyed direct access to policy and influence over the internal politics of the African