Socialism always fails – because it’s not what people want


We at the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) have written often about the African National Congress’s inability to shake off the ‘cult’ of socialism, notwithstanding

This is no time to relax on expropriation without compensation


No sooner had the American secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, issued a warning to South Africa that its proposed expropriation policy would be “disastrous” than

The end is nigh


In the 1970s when I lived in London I would walk past an elderly man who stood near Charing Cross station with a perpetually worried

Cracks reveal the delusion of the ANC’s ‘radical’ mission


Justice Minister Ronald Lamola may yet rue the confidence with which he recently laid claim to Radical Economic Transformation (RET) as the core programme of

Nuclear power and Julius Malema


As if nuclear power in South Africa did not have enough problems with its enemies, it has now acquired the worst possible friend: Julius Malema.

BEE isn’t working – time for a rethink


South Africa is on the brink of an economic crisis. Some would say the country even faces an existential threat, as rumblings about Western Cape

For the sake of the children, we cannot afford to discourage saving


A good society is one that does not impose obligations on future generations, it is a society that transfers a portion of the wealth generated

The absurdity of racialism


Living in South Africa, it is impossible to escape the raison d’être of Verwoerd and his ilk, decades after their death and 25 years into

Taxi industry should be front and centre of SA’s public transit policies


Ever since the 1990s, government has tried in various ways to bring the taxi industry into the formal economy. Many such attempts have led directly

Agbiz should withdraw its support for EWC


This is the first of two articles on the stance adopted by the Agricultural Business Chamber of South Africa (Agbiz) in relation to expropriation without