Social media the key to future elections – if politicians grasp it


Social media platforms are outperforming traditional forms of media in communicating news and trends with younger voters. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and LinkedIn are broadening

An error of comedies


Comedian and Journalist Daniel Friedman did not incite or encourage white genital mutilation, but there is an argument that he owes an apology for using

No, the suburbs are not excluded – and you’re on your own


There is a growing mood of unease and confusion in South Africa, and not for the first time. Not for the first time either, this

The EWC ‘reassurance’ ploy – and the reasons it’s so wrong


In a recent Investment Research Note put out by Nedbank Private Wealth, political analyst JP Landman claims to be ‘cutting through the noise’ surrounding the

Why we are challenging corporate SA on EWC


‘On expropriation without compensation, we’ve done all we can.’ That’s the excuse the IRR has been hearing since launching its #EWCScorecards on social media. ‘We’ve

State-Owned Enterprises: Costs and Confusion


The next few weeks will present big opportunities for the ANC to re-start an economy in which growth is negligible and per capita income is

SA needs less government, not more


The world is apparently telling President Cyril Ramaphosa to ‘do something fast to save South Africa‘. With our electricity grid failing, crime on a continual

‘Populist Little England’ is setting Europe some good examples


Even before the referendum in the United Kingdom (UK) over whether or not to remain a member of the European Union (EU), one of the

Some hope for our electricity


In the darkening gloom over Eskom and South Africa’s electricity supply comes some rays of light. Eskom’s new CEO, Andre de Ruyter has got off

The second (and third) waves of state capture are coming


The first wave of state capture had its origins in the cadre deployment and transformation policies of the African National Congress (ANC) which degenerated into