Articles By This Author

Will the ANC give up power peacefully?


Much ink is being spilled – not only here at the Daily Friend but elsewhere – on the fact that the ANC is perilously close

Buckle your seat belts, it’s about to get wild


It is now accepted wisdom that it is a matter of time until the ANC loses its national majority in the country. There is probably

Provincial policing is possible


‘They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.’ So said Abba Eban, a South African-born Israeli diplomat, who was speaking about his Arab counterparts

Medellin shows what is achievable


When somebody talks about Paris, what immediately comes to mind is the Eiffel Tower and starry-eyed couples walking along the Seine. Less likely to come

ANC now the conservative party of rural SA


The ANC used to stand astride South Africa like a colossus. At its zenith in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was easily the

SA is not a developmental state – but what is it?


The term ‘developmental state’ has become part of the South African lexicon. As I recall, it first became commonly used around the time of the

The morning after the night before


There are few certainties in life, apart from death and taxes, but there is something else that is a growing certainty in South Africa. This

SA belongs to her people, not politicians


Sometimes politicians say things that confirm what we know about them. It may be a throwaway remark or a pattern of language, but once people

Bad day at the office for ANC in Wednesday by-elections


The ANC got a bloody nose on Wednesday, losing two wards in by-elections, while retaining one ward in eThekwini. The DA held on to a

Pitfalls for the Wild Dogs: lessons from abroad


Coalitions are increasingly becoming a fact of South African political life. Until a few years ago very few of South Africa’s municipalities were governed by