Decriminalisation: SA’s oft-ignored constitutional imperative


In recent years, the African National Congress (ANC) government has shown itself to be not entirely unreasonable in crime policy. It has reluctantly decriminalised the

To BEE or not to BEE


To BEE or not to BEE. That is one of the many prevailing questions, as the government of national unity (GNU) comes into power and

The upcoming big test of the GNU


Tomorrow, the Government of National Unity’s ministers and senior civil servants will begin a two-day cabinet lekgotla, to try to agree on a plan. Next

Global concern for Gaza while Sudan’s humanitarian crisis mounts


The BBC has recently featured “Sudan the Forgotten War” on both their radio and TV platforms, highlighting a conflict that has been raging for over

Bring back the Rainbow Nation


Now that South Africa again has a government of national unity, it could do with an attitude and policy reset, too. In a review of

Caught fooling the public


The Left’s framing issues around oppressor-versus-oppressed narratives requires that their leaders be trusted. Politicians are rarely penalised for lying; rather, they routinely get away with

Why lowering the temperature is important


Anyone thinking that making the multi-party government work would be simple, would have been disabused by the events of the past few weeks. Leaked correspondence,

Why the elites hate Trump


Donald Trump would be fairly low down in my choices for President of the USA but I’d certainly vote for him if he were standing

“Adapt or die!” We didn’t really adapt, did we?


We often say: “The ANC has had 30 years to govern, but hasn’t fixed the country yet.”  We shake our heads at how unevolved ANC

Priorities for the GNU


After getting home from a cheery and dominant Baby Bok performance on Saturday night against Fiji, I decided to order a Gatsby from a restaurant