Gabriel Crouse
Gabriel Crouse is Executive Director of IRR Legal, and is a Fellow at the Institute of Race Relations (IRR). He holds a degree in Philosophy from Princeton University.
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Articles By This Author

Saying lockdown ‘worked’ risks guaranteeing its return
- By Gabriel Crouse
- . May 29, 2020
The President’s most consistently repeated claim is that the lockdown “delayed the spread” of Covid-19 as intended. No evidence has been produced to test that

Lockdown SA: have harsh restrictions actually slowed the virus?
- By Gabriel Crouse
- . May 5, 2020
South Africa has had one of the most brutal lockdowns in the world, according to the UN. Its regulations have also been some of the

Has Covid-19 killed the US-China rapprochement?
- By Gabriel Crouse
- . Apr 23, 2020
From an international relations perspective, the SARS-Cov-2 virus’s greatest casualty thus far might be US-China relations, as disagreements over the World Health Organization (WHO) escalate.

Booting BEE – time is short
- By Lee Stuttaford
- . Apr 11, 2020
Proponents of BEE, or any kind of race-based affirmative action, face serious challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic. In this crisis, they can insist on using

Why won’t Agbiz explain itself?
- By Gabriel Crouse
- . Mar 15, 2020
This is the second of two articles on the stance adopted by the Agricultural Business Chamber of South Africa (Agbiz) in relation to expropriation without

Agbiz should withdraw its support for EWC
- By Gabriel Crouse
- . Mar 5, 2020
This is the first of two articles on the stance adopted by the Agricultural Business Chamber of South Africa (Agbiz) in relation to expropriation without

Piketty and the flawed analysis of SA capital
- By Gabriel Crouse
- . Jan 1, 2020
Among ‘the three most important concepts for analyzing the capitalist system’, Thomas Piketty places the capital/income ratio, or as he denotes it ‘β’, first. Piketty

The Left’s greatest challenge in South Africa
- By Gabriel Crouse
- . Dec 28, 2019
Francis Fukuyama is the most internationally renowned political theorist to speak in South Africa in 2019. Though his lecture was widely overlooked, the argument he

Is De Ruyter the best man for Eskom?
- By Lee Stuttaford
- . Nov 20, 2019
The controversial appointment of Andre de Ruyter to CEO of Eskom has chins wagging across the land. One issue is that he is a white

Mboweni and the minimum wage: will the costs to the jobless be considered?
- By Lee Stuttaford
- . Nov 16, 2019
Economic recovery is the keynote of finance minister Tito Mboweni’s every public statement – but will the government tackle the one thing that’s most likely