Articles By This Author

Souring the dream: SA’s schooling failure


The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has calculated that giving every child access to education and the skills needed to participate fully in

It does not need to be like this


A year ago, as we entered the second week of the hard lockdown that heralded a year of difficulty, anger, fear, risk and mounting insecurity,

Listening, learning and a lost opportunity


It is doubtful that Adam Habib has done himself any favours by departing from his spirited defence of intellectual dispassion at the start of the

A contemptible insult


In the very week in which the Institute of Race Relations delivered a memorandum to the Presidency warning the government about the costs of abusing

Longing for a country that is better than it has ever been


I have written before about interviewing Rashaad Fataar under a solitary avocado tree in a swathe of scrubby grass on the periphery of central Cape

Land reform: there is a better way


There is little point in handing out land and ending up with assets that are dying in the hands of the poor.  Well, detractors might

Remembering the future: state vs people


‘Liberation’-era South Africa has reached its ‘apartheid’ moment in what is turning out to be something of a climax in the government’s now three-year drive

The Tyefu incident: a symbol of national error


In the satellite image, Tyefu police station looks as remote and undistinguished as an abandoned farmstead, a modest block and a few outbuildings beside a

Reason in unreasonable times


I don’t suppose many readers could imagine anything written about linguistics being at once amusing and intelligibly insightful, but a brief passage from some of

A costly incuriosity


I once spent the better part of a day keeping a beady eye on the comings and goings at Mark Thatcher’s home in Constantia, such